Spanish language courses of Arcades del Cid school
Spanish courses in Valencia
Arcades del Cid school offers different kinds of course in order to meet the different needs of its students.
- ARCADES COURSE: It consists of 4 daily sessions equally divided between grammar and conversation, with a 20 minutes break for a total of 20 hours per week. Please have a look at the levels.
- LONG TERM LANGUAGE COURSE: It consists in 4 hours per week and it is for people who want to study Spanish in longer periods but with less weekly hours ( Erasmus students, workers, etc.). Flexible time.
- FACE TO FACE COURSE: The student can choose how many face to face hours wants to have - for a maximum of 30 hours per week- he/ can decide directly with teacher at what time have the lessons.
- D.E.L.E. COURSE: It consists in 4 daily sessions and it prepares the student for Spanish language exams- whose certificate is recognized in the whole world- exams made in 60 countries in May, November and sometimes in August too. The length suggested in order to pass the exam is 4 weeks
N.B. For particular requests and needs please do not hesitate to contact us.
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